Saturday, December 28, 2019

Illegal Immigration The United States - 1691 Words

While illegal immigration remains a serious problem in the United States, other countries around the world are also being affected. According to the source of Albert R. Hunt â€Å"Facing the Facts on Illegal Immigration.†, he said that â€Å"The United States has been since long time the world ´s leader in the reception and integration of immigrants.† Americans are deeply divided in their views on the impact of immigration in the country, and anger about illegal immigration colors public attitudes towards all aspects of immigration, whether legal or not. Immigration is a striking theme for many people. On the one hand, some argue that countries should be open to those who bring valuable skills and education. On the other hand, some argue that too†¦show more content†¦By beginning to measure the wages, salaries, and income earned by businesses owned by immigrants in the U.S. we can clearly see how much immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy. Undocumented im migrants contribute to U.S. economy just like most of the permanent citizens do. Rigo Conde mentioned that â€Å"Most people has mistakenly believed that undocumented immigrants come here and take advantage of government aids provided for free, but in order to get all those services they must be US citizens.† Even though if undocumented immigrants used government services and collect benefits, they do pay taxes that end up costing more than what they take from social services. Illegal immigrants also contribute to the economy through investments and the consumption of goods and services, which can make them cheaper too. By adding more people to the work force it actually creates more jobs because it just means that there are more readily available people that are able to fill new positions, however some people still think that the work force would be better off without undocumented immigrants. Some people, like those without a high school diploma might benefit from mass deportation because it will allow them to earn higher wages, but in actuality not all citizens benefit too much from it. According to the source by Jens Manuel Krogstad â€Å"5 Facts About Illegal Immigration in the U.S.†, researchers have demonstrated that â€Å"Mass deportation would just reduce

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Book Celia A Slave - 1396 Words

Tyler Hinden United States History I Dr. Heckel 11/23/15 Celia A Slave The book â€Å"Celia A Slave† starts off with mainly a young black girl named Celia. She get sold in a slave auction to a man named Robert Newsom. This man continually rapes Celia who gets pregnant with his child and gives birth to the child. The sad part is that the child she just had would grow up to be her father’s property later in her life. Then it changes when one day Mr. Newsom attempted to rape Celia again when she accidentally killed him. She then cuts him up and burns his body and attempts to get rid of all the evidence. She ends up be caught and has to go through the legal system to decide if she is guilty or innocent. Celia pleas that it was self-defense which was legal at the time women to kill if their life was in danger but she was a slave and those rules didn’t apply to her. Even thought there were laws to protect women and slave the Judges usually didn’t listen to black women and just did what they thought was right in t heir case. The judge was also a racist and would not move her execution date back so that they could figure out if Celia was guilty or not but he declined that and left it the same. People end up kidnaping Celia before her date to hang but these efforts didn’t work for long. Celia later ends up being convicted for murder and is sentenced to death. It was never a fair trial in the first place with all the racism in America at the time. It was a long shot that she wouldShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Celia A Slave 1267 Words   |  6 PagesWhite slave owners in United States religiously practiced slavery during the antebellum period. The book Celia a Slave is a factual interpretation of an isolated incident that depicted a very common fear every salve of the time inhibited. By illustrating the tragic life of a young female slave who was constantly raped by her master, the author Melton McLaurin, informs our generation of the horrific trades of slavery. The story of Celia is an emblem of the racial problems that is still facedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Celia A Slave Melton Essay1268 Words   |  6 PagesThe book Celia A Slave Melton McLaurin is telling us what happened to a slave owner and a slave that he brought. This story goes into details on the day of June 23,1855 about how a female slave that murdered her master and how she tried to cover it up. This story took place not far from Jefferson City in Calloway Country here in Missouri when around this time there were still debates over what state is going to be free and what states is going to be a slave one. As you’re reading the book you willRead MoreAfrican American Women Slave Revolts2163 Words   |  9 PagesSoftly: African American Women, Slave Revolts, and Historical Constructions of Racialized Gender† is an attempt by Rebecca Hall, to uncover women’s participation in slave revolts and to address a concern of why enslaved women were silenced in revolt. She also focuses on why certain aspects of slave revolt are seen as exclusively male activities. To accomplish her task, she uses a number of book excerpts from prominent historians, as well as many sources from accounts of slave revolts in history. AlthoughRead MoreBibliographic Essay on African American History6221 Words   |  25 PagesAmerica Vol. I: 1619-1863 and Vol. II (Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998), which emphasizes culture; and, Darlene Clark Hine and Kathleen Thompson’s Shining Thread of Hope: The History of Black Women in America (New York: Broadway Books, 1998), a work highlighting the presence of women. Juliet E. K. Walker’s The History of Black Business in America: Capitalism, Race, Entrepreneurship (New York: Twayne Publishers, 1998) is a general historical overview of blacks in business acrossRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Othello and Iago Character Study Essay Sample free essay sample

* The character of Othello is in many ways a paradox. * He at the same time experiences deep and passionate love every bit good as awful and violent hatred ; he is a rootless â€Å"stranger/Of here and everywhere† who the universe defines by his ethnicity. â€Å"Moor† ; and. he is a adult male called â€Å"noble† who commits the most awful of wickednesss. slaying. * At the bosom of these contradictions is a black adult male seeking to suit into a white society. and it is these failings and anxiousnesss which result from Othello’s efforts at assimilation. which Iago manipulates to his ain terminals. * Othello’s feelings of insecurity are surely non undue. Everyone around him. even the 1 he loves. still see him to be- and refer to him as- a Moor. Indeed Desdemona herself admits that she â€Å"saw Othello’s countenance in his mind† ( I. two ) . This implies that Desdemona was non ab initio attracted to Othello and had to look past his expression in order to fall in love with him. We will write a custom essay sample on Othello and Iago Character Study Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Brabantio besides alludes to Desdemona’s initial repulsive force of Othello when he comments in amazement â€Å"To autumn in love with what she feared to look on! † . ( I. ii. ) It is on this highly sensitive point that Iago begins his use in act 3. scene 3. * He starts off by suggesting that he knows more than Othello about the ways of the Venetian people. he says â€Å"I cognize our state temperament well† ( III. three ) . subtly reminding Othello of his difference and isolation. He so reminds Othello of Brabantio’s claim that Desdemona was ab initio repulsed by him as he says â€Å"she seem’d to agitate and fear your looks† ( III. three ) . Othello acknowledges this point noting â€Å"And so she did† . This is a clear mark that Othello’s religion in Desdemona begins to gnaw. Picking up on this anxiousness. Iago so exploits it farther by connoting a sexual perversion in Desdemona and Othello’s brotherhood when he says Desdemona has â€Å"a will most rank† ( I. three ) and â€Å"thoughts unnatural† ( I. three ) . This causes Othello great malaise and misgiving of his darling married woman. * He is able to be so easy manipulated because she does non merely love Desdemona as a individual but. possibly more significantly to Othello she represents credence and assimilation. He says that she is â€Å"the fountain† from which his â€Å"current runs† * As his feelings of insecurity saddle horse within. he begins to project his self-hatred onto Desdemona through stereotype of Moors. Calls her â€Å"fair devil† . â€Å"lewd minx† and â€Å"subtile whore† . In fact. Othello himself had been called a â€Å"devil† every bit good as â€Å"lascivious† * In fact. at one point. he come out and says â€Å"Her face that was every bit fresh as Dian’s countenance. is now begrim’d and black as mine ain face† . Here. Othello straight undertakings his self-hatred onto Desdemona * Upon Othello’s anagnorisis. the minute of realization. his first reaction is to fault the Gods. as he inquiries â€Å"Who can command his destiny? † ( V. two ) . However. as he looks upon his offense. he can non bare the guilt and calls â€Å"O cursed. cursed slave! /Whip me. ye Satans. † ( V. two ) . * Thus. Othello’s concluding and across-the-board paradox is one which is self-created. At one time. he believes himself to be a great adult male who has been doomed by destiny. every bit good as a curst and diabolic black adult male who deserves to be punished for his barbarian offenses. Iago * Basic motive is hatred * Iago believes that Othello has committed a great unfairness against him by advancing Michael Cassio. a adult male that â€Å"That neer set a squadron in the field† ( I. I ) . over himself * Equally good as this he believes Othello â€Å"hath leaped into my seat† ( II. I ) and had an matter with his married woman Emilia * As a consequence. he swears retribution against â€Å"the Moor† and seeks to be a force of justness * However. he is basically a soldier without personal moralss who applies military morality to his private life * In war the terminals may warrant the agencies nevertheless. in civilized society it can non * He is non. as some like to propose. merely evil. He is non a character like Christopher Nolan’s Joker who merely â€Å"wants to see the universe burn† . He is a adult male with a specific set of aims whose evil agencies do non warrant the merely ends he sought * It is non possible that Iago has been evil his full life. He would non hold been able to lift to his place of power and trust if he invariably wished to rupture down the lives of everybody around him. * Besides. he is non a good adequate strategian. Throughout the drama Iago solves job as they arise with antic acumen yet he has really small foresight or ability to expect events. * His greatest moral weakness is that he merely blend his military domain of moralss with his private 1. His workss are no more ‘evil’ than that of an ground forces or province on an international graduated table. * Thus. through Iago. Shakespeare plays with the impression of moral objectiveness. He shows how an act can be merely in one scene and so evil when applied to another * He may bask his evil making but non needfully because of the immorality. it is much more likely that he enjoys them because it is what he does best. it’s his occupations. his trade. his art signifier. * At times he toys with seeking to warrant his actions. For illustration in act two scene 1 he says â€Å"that she loves him ( Cassio ) . Ti disposed and of great credit† . inferring that he may non be making anything incorrect because Desdemona may truly love Cassio. * However. in the terminal he does non seek to atone for what he has done he merely says â€Å"Demand me nil: what you know. you know†