Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay On Overcoming Us History - 881 Words

Overcoming U.S. History When you think of the word inhumane many thoughts may run through your mind. When you think of US history many great achievements come to play while looking back we have many faults and failures. Segregation is the main thing that come to mind when I’m looking for something horrible that happened in US history but also something great that we’ve overcome as a nation. Segregation is clearly something that should’ve never happened, victims of this situation are ridiculed and beat both physically and mentally for no reason what so ever. Segregation did not allow African Americans to drink from certain fountains, eat in specific diners, and to live where they wanted. If you weren’t white and you lived in the south you†¦show more content†¦The Jim Crow laws also started in the 1890’s followed by the Separate but Equal law. These laws affected almost every single aspect of daily life for colored citizens. To keep a constant reminder or racial order â€Å"Whites Only† and â€Å"Colored† signs were hung up all around. The Jim Crow laws also prevented many colored people from voting in the south because in order to vote you had to pass a test. This test was exceptionally hard for African Americans because many couldn’t read or write well causing them to not being able to vote. This lead to more racists go vernors taking office in the south. With racial tensions rising and no liberty in sight African Americans with the help of some White Americans decided enough was enough. Starting in the early 1940’s these believers took to the streets in non-violent protest. These protesters chose to use the non-violent protest because they realized that if they took all the racial slurs and all the violence many would realize how bad colored people are being treated. Every single one of these protesters risked their lives walking down any street especially if it were in the south. When 1947 hit the Freedom Rides came into play. The Freedom Rides were part of the Journey of Reconciliation. These freedom rides were sponsored by the Fellowship ofShow MoreRelatedA Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman1454 Words   |  6 PagesDuties of Mankind Considered In reading Wollstonecraft’s essay â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,† I am drawn by the evidence that she provides to support her claim that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Her essay is one that discusses overcoming the ways in which women in her time (18th century) are oppressed and denied their potential; which naturally presents a problem in their household as well as society. The essay is one of the first works of feminist philosophy. 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